Juice Fast Day 4

Day 4 of juice fast. It was a lot harder than day 3. I woke up feeling super tired and physically exhausted. I barely could get out of bed. By night time, however, and an evening juice of asian pear, orange, strawberry, and a little bit of mint, I was feeling waaay better. I did another juice right after of kale, cucumber, celery, and carrot. More green than sweet but satisfying. I think today my body was pushing more toxins out so I'll see what other things come out this week. Less than a week to go. Saturday was an adventure to Alemany farmer's market in South San Francisco. My roommate used to go there all the time and described it as a mecca for "real" farmers and their produce. All true!! It was amazing and we left with two huge bags filled with really great produce. So far my favorite juice combo has been apple beet and carrot beet. The beet! I wouldn't have thought. And it has the prettiest color.
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