Yesssss, made it half way. Today I worked all day, first as a sub at an elementary school teaching 5th grade (they loved me!) and then I tutored after school as usual with my 7th grader. I juiced in the morning, 2 oranges and 2 rather tart grapefruits, but it was frothy and nice. Then I juiced to have something for lunch. I did a tomato, celery, carrots, and 2 cucumbers. It wasn't that tasty but it was satisfying and it was all I had for the whole day. Going home was hard because my mom had made a huge thing of brownies. But I went home to juice and discovered my new winning combo: 1 red bell pepper (surprisingly juicy), 4 stalks of celery, 1 handful of kale, and 1 kauffir lime (very natural lime flavor) all juiced, then half an avocado blended in a blender. Ya-HA!
And if you are wondering about my energy level after the major rock bottom of detoxing-day-4, today I felt AMAZING, and that was after several hours with 25 10-year-olds and then 2 hours with a 12-year-old with ADD. Boo YEAH. And I call this juice Avocucelekalime.
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