Last week was four days of bumps racing, which is a fun tradition in Cambridge between the numerous crew clubs. The river Cam is quite narrow, at some points not wide enough for two boats to row past each other without hitting oars. Bumps is a staggered race with the goal of overtaking the boat ahead of you, either by literally bumping their boat, or overlapping them significantly enough to cause them to yield to you. Races start at the top of the river, where it is dammed, to the sound of a cannon firing. It isn't a long race, there is a certain length of the river that you have the chance to catch the boat ahead of you. If you are successful you put leaves in your hair or on your person so when you walk around later people know you bumped a crew, and they all say "well done!" I rode my bike to the top of the river to watch the women's race, since I had rowed with a ladies crew two days the previous week while they prepared. I took a fun video biking along the edge of the river. But it won't upload, so here are some pictures instead.
This is railway bridge; the crews had finished bumping by this point. |
There was literally no one around, I could've taken this boat and rowed it away! Psych. Thief proof.
Kirsten Siebach, my dear friend from BYU Rugby happened to be finishing her wild Euro tour of 2013 in London, and she came up for the day to see me in Cambridge. We toured around King's, walked by the river, saw the punters, reminisced about rugby days and our old teammates, and enjoyed lunch at Tattie's, famous for delicious jacket potatoes. Kirsten is living in Texas and working as a French teacher. We haven't seen each other since before I left on my mission, which is a while back! I was so happy to catch up with her. I also showed her the great debate hall at Cambridge Union Society.
Roasted garlic mushrooms and hummus?! Ratatouille? Jacket potatoes are so versatile.
Considering how uncomfortable these chairs are... pretty old and uncomfortable. |
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