November in England means lots of rain, delayed trains, misty foggy mornings, very cold extremities, Guy Fawkes celebrations, Poppies, remembrances, and no mention of Thanksgiving... but, all the other events are quite happy ones. Here are some pictures from adventures over the last few weeks:
The cows in the fields by my house are quite friendly. |
From left to right, this is Chloe, Sophia, James, and Lucy Doggett, the grandchildren of the missionary couple whose house I'm in. They came over the other day to help me bake and we made popcorn. |
I volunteered to work a 2-hour shift collecting funds for the Poppy Appeal. My ward got involved, so I did too! |
This is the ward Halloween party, donuts on a string is always a funny/awkward activity. These are the young men attempting it with no hands. |
This is Charlie, dressed as a mini Marty McFly. He couldn't not use his hands. |
One Saturday evening, I attended a lesson at the church with the missionaries, but it also happened to be the evening of a big rainstorm, so you can't tell here, but I'm soaked! |
All of the single ladies at the ward fireworks night to celebrate Guy Fawkes day, November 5th. |
This is a tiny castle on Newton Park Campus in Bath. I sat in on some candidate presentations for my program, because they are looking to hire a new professor. |
Love seeing what you're up to and learning new things about life over there. Can't wait to see you in a month!